M.Sc, MA


The Last Weekly Report #15

My three month employment with COSS and the summer of code is now over. I will no longer receive payment for my efforts on gDesklets :'(

But just when the gdesklets community thought they would finally get rid of me, they we're mistaken! Bwahahahah :-D ! I wouldn't dream of quitting work on gD now. There's still so much to do: getHTML control is nearly perfect, 040 core still needs a lot of love, DD awaits final touches and integration into 040, and we've just started moving management and stuff into launchpad.. not to mention the work needed to bring the new site up and working!

Overall the summer was magnificent. I'm quite happy with all the stuff I've accomplished and (especially) learned during the it. The workplan was suprisingly well estimated. Nearly all the tasks we're completed and the average workday was quite close to the basic 6-8 hours (very, very hard to estimate). To compensate for the "nearly" word in the previous sentence, numerous extra features that weren't mentioned in the workplan got implemented.

So what next? Well.. tomorrow I'll get up early and continue on the getHTML-control and I'll try to find the guy responsible for the site and suggest a few improvements.

In the future this blog will still be the central place to hear about my adventures with gDesklets. The only thing that changes is the (nearly) weekly blogging cycle and the (almost) consistent report structure.

Thanks to COSS and its supporters for making this possible!<

And btw, those that are looking for Weekly Report #12: it got lost in the coding category.. sorry about that!

[EDIT]Oh.. yeah.. forgot to say what I've done these few days. Well, I've worked on the getHTML control and written pages on the wiki. [/EDIT]