Weekly Report #12
Last week I was mostly...
This week I'll...
That should make it possible to release a test-version for the stable gD by the end of the week. All the features (like "groups") are not available since the old 0.35 version of gD does not support them.
- building the DD desklet. It is quite complete now, but a few last moment interface changes are still not implemented
- continuing on the DD control which is now capable of parsing display files and seeking for installed desklets.
This week I'll...
- continue on the DD control. A lot of work still remains (network transparency, installing, activating, etc.). I'll see how much I can accomplish since the 040 prototype is still quite useless.
- finish off the DD desklet.
That should make it possible to release a test-version for the stable gD by the end of the week. All the features (like "groups") are not available since the old 0.35 version of gD does not support them.